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Nawaf Alanazi
, Ameer Mahmood
Abdulkareem Al-Garni
Arbila Umrani
Abdulaziz Haji Siyal
Salman Basit
Sameera Shaheen
Masood Shammas
Sarah AlMukhaylid
Aamer Aleem
Zafar Iqbal


Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Accelerated phase; Blast crisis, Disease Progression, Molecular Biomarker, Transcription Factors, Zing Finger Proteins Cancer


BCR-ABL1, the hallmark of cancer, promotes genomic instability leading to further mutation acquisition in CML. This transforms the manageable Chronic Phase (CP-CML) into an accelerated phase (AP-CML) and fatal crisis phase (BC-CML). Highly specific biomarkers for early detection of BC-CML are lacking. Transcription factor (TF) mutations universally cause cancer progression, relapses, and metastasis. Recently, ZNF208 TF was reported mutated in BC-CML but its reproducibility and clinical validation were required. Current studies utilized next-generation sequencing to validate mutated ZNF208 (c.64G>A) as a novel CML progression biomarker as it was detected in 0 (0%), 90% (10/20), and 100% (12/12) CP-, AP-, and BC-CML patients (p=0.0001), suggesting its high disease specificity. We recommend prospective clinical trials to further validate this novel CML progression biomarker.


Keywords: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia; Accelerated phase; Blast crisis; Disease Progression; Molecular Biomarker; Transcription Factors; Zing Finger Proteins; Cancer.

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