Antioxidant Activity of Chitosan Nanoparticles with Chlorhexidine- An In vitro Study

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Anjali Sankar
Sindhu Ramesh
Nishitha Arun


Endodontic Irrigants, Root Canal Treatment,Chitosan, Chitosan nanoparticles , Natural Irrigant, Anti oxidant, free radical species, oxidative stress


Introduction: Oxygen, an essential ingredient for life, has the ability to both enhance and degrade physical health. The deadly effects of oxygen were unknown until Gershman's free radical hypothesis of oxygen toxicity was published in 1954.OS and RNS are widely known for serving a dual function as both harmful and beneficial species.ROS are extremely reactive molecules produced by the metabolism of oxygen.During oxidative stress, ROS levels rise dramatically, causing severe damage to cell components. ROS are cytotoxic and have been linked to the pathogenesis of a number of human disorders.Chitosan has been shown to effectively scavenge various types of radical species, indicating a broad range of uses.
Materials and Methods: The chitosan was obtained and plain chitosan with chlorhexidine, chitosan nanoparticles with chlorhexidine was prepared.To measure the antioxidant activity 10 μL-50μL ( increasing the quantity by 10μL) of the nanoparticles were added to five separate test tubes. To every test tube, DPPH of 1ml quantity was added. Next, a 50% methanol solution containing 10 μL-50μL (increasing the quantity by 10μL) chitosan solution was added to the five test tubes containing chitosan solution respectively and % of inhibition was calculated
Results: Nanochitosan with chlorhexidine shows higher anti-oxidant activity when compared to plain chitosan.Its activity increases with increase in dosage.Antioxidant activity of chitosan nanoparticles and plain chitosan exhibit a pattern of increasing activity with increasing concentration, with the highest percentage of inhibition observed at a concentration of 50 μl. The antioxidant activity of the nanoparticles also increases as the dosage increases.
Conclusion: The use of this novel irrigant in the field of endodontics would reduce the postoperative pain and overall improve the experience of the patients undergoing endodontic treatment in the future. 

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