Estimation Of Substance P Level In Normal Pulpal Condition Compared To Pulpal And Periapical Diseases

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Nishitha Arun
Sindhu Ramesh


Substance P, Pulp, Irreversible pulpitis, CGRP, neuropeptides, Pulpal inflammation, Medical, Health


Introduction: Pulp can be inflamed due to physiologic, pathogenic or iatrogenic factors. The stimulation of the peripheral nerve ending in the pulp causes the release of neuropeptides such Substance P, Calcitonin Gene Receptor Peptide (CGRP), Neurokinin A and Neurokinin B. These neuropeptides mediate neurogenic inflammation. Substance P is the first neuropeptide to be isolated in the dental pulp and is reported to be associated with the pulpal pain experienced by the patient.
Aim: To Determine and compare the level of Substance P in diseased pulpal conditions and healthy pulpal conditions.
Materials and Method: The search was performed in various electronic databases (i.e. Pubmed Central, Sciencedirect, Cochrane, Web Of Science and Lilac) till 1,February 2022. Studies were selected if it compared the level of Substance P in diseased and healthy pulpal conditions.
Results: Search from the database showed 67 studies out of which 5 studies were included for the systematic review based on the inclusion criteria. The level of SP was measured either in GCF, pulp tissue, root canal exudate or saliva. There was a statistically significant increase in Substance P level in teeth with diseased pulpal conditions.
Conclusion: SP, NKA, and CGRP are eminent neurotransmitters in the propagation of moderate to severe pain signals and are increased in case of pupal disease. Substance P is significantly increased in diseased pulpal conditions when compared to healthy and intact teeth. 

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