Comparative Evaluation of Time Taken to Retrieve Gp Using Two Different Retreatment Files In Root Canal Treated Teeth- An In Vitro Study

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Anjali Sankar
Pradeep Solete
Ganesh Jeevanandan
Delphine Priscilla Antony


Guttapercha, Protaper Retreatment files, Retreatment,Retrieval , Root canal, Solite RS3, Medical, Conservation


Introduction: The use of non-surgical retreatment is a conservative approach compared to periapical surgery for treating persistent infections. To ensure effective treatment, the retreatment procedure should be performed efficiently using suitable instruments. The purpose of this study is to compare the time required for two different rotary instruments to remove endodontic material from the root canal and evaluate the amount of remaining filling material on the root canal wall.
Materials and Methods: This research study aimed to compare the effectiveness of two distinct file systems for retreatment - Protaper Universal and Solite RS3 - in removing gutta-percha from root canals. The study involved the use of 60 single-rooted teeth that underwent cleaning and shaping using the Step Back technique with a master apical file size of 40. The canals were irrigated with 3% NaOCl and 17% EDTA to eliminate the smear layer, followed by drying with paper points. Lateral compaction technique was employed for obturation with AH Plus sealer. The teeth were divided into two groups, and a stop clock was used to record the time taken to remove the gutta-percha. The remaining gutta-percha on the root canal wall was evaluated using CBCT, and statistical significance was determined using the independent t-test.
Results: Based on the results, it can be inferred that the Hyflex Remover file system took longer to retrieve the gp in comparison to the Solite RS3 files.However, the difference between the two files is not considered significant based on the statistical analysis (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The study was limited by a small sample size, use of single rooted teeth, and an in vitro setting. However, based on the study's constraints, it can be inferred that Solite RS3 files were quicker than Protaper Universal files in removing gutta-percha from root canals. None of the systems used were able to entirely eliminate filling materials, indicating a need for additional procedures and techniques to enhance root canal cleanliness. 

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