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Dr Ritanjali Behera
Dr Subhalaxmi Dash
Dr Satyajit Jena
Dr Sudhanshu Sekhara Nanda




SETTING: This study was conducted in department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of  MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha

AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To study factors association with Antepartum hemorrhage,  To study maternal morbidity and mortality due to A.P.H,  To study perinatal outcome in A.P.H

MATERIAL & METHOD :- In this study 100 cases of A.P.H admitted in MKCG Medical College, Berhampur were studied and inclusion criteria of patients were Gestational age more than 28 wks with bleeding per Vaginum. All the cases were grouped as placenta previa, Accidental hemorrhage, local causes and unknown. The diagnosis was made on the basis of history, Clinical examination and few cases aided by ultrasonography.

RESULT:- Out of 100 cases of A.P.H., Placenta previa contributed to 71%, Abruption placenta 27% and undetermined cause 2%. Maternal mortality out of 71 cases of placenta previa was 3 and 1 Abruption placenta. Perinatal mortality was 12.69 in placenta previa and 18.52% in Abruption placenta.

CONCLUSION:- APH is a major causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality which could he prevented by early registration, regular antenatal care, early detection of High risk cases, early referral to higher centre.

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