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Dr Sudhanshu Sekhara Nanda
Dr Subhalaxmi Dash
Dr Chintamani Mahanta


induction of labour, oxytocin, PGE2 gel


Introduction: Induction of labor is defined as the initiation of the process of labour, by artificial methods to anticipate delivery via naturalis after the fetus has attained the viability.

Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , PRM Medical College, Baripada, India from january 2019 to december 2019.

Aim: To study the profile of induced labour in a rural medical college, Outcome of such induction in nullipara & multipara, Intrapartum, Postpartum maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality of

patients who underwent induction of labour.

Observation & Conclusion: Mean age of women 23.3with range between 18 and 37 years. Mean gestational age is 41 weeks. Nulliparous women accounted for 74.25% About 52% of primipara and 47.5% of multi has associated antepartum risk factor. Medical disorders, mainly PET (23.41%) formed the major antenatal risk factor. Most common indication for induction is postdatism followed by Preeclampsia. Rate of vaginal delivery is 51.1% .Among them 65.6% delivered with single dose of PGE2 and augmentation with oxytocin. 8.59% delivered with two doses of PGE2and augmentation with oxytocin. Rate of caesarean section is 48.3% Common indication for induction is fetal distress. No uterine rupture was encountered in the study. . The present study thus shows that application of intracervical PGE2 gel caused favourable changes in the cervix by increasing the Bishop score with minimal side effects. Although labour induction is not without its risks for the mother and particularly for the fetus, intracervical PGE2 gel application followed by oxytocin is found to be safe and acceptable method for induction of labour in patients with unfavourable cervix with minimal maternal morbidity and mortality.

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