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Dr. Ayesha Aziz
Dr. Anurag Rawat
Razia Virk
Dr. E. N. Ganesh
Dr. Aanchal Tamrakar
Muhammad Umar


Cardiovascular Diseases, Psychological Stress, Psychological Adaptation.


Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) constitute a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide, given their chronic nature and high mortality rates. Despite advancements in technology and clinical understanding, the psychological dimensions of CVD remain relatively understudied.

Objective: This research aims to ascertain the prevalence of psychological disturbances among patients receiving outpatient treatment for CVD.

Methods: A descriptive-quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted, utilizing instruments such as a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and the Brief Cope Scale. Data were collected between March and April 2022 at the outpatient clinic of Hospital Estadual de Urgências de Goiás Dr. Valdomiro Cruz. Descriptive statistics, including absolute and relative frequencies, means, medians, and standard deviations (SD), were employed to analyze sociodemographic and clinical variables.

Results: The study revealed a notable prevalence of psychological symptoms among patients undergoing outpatient treatment for cardiovascular disease. Predominant symptoms included psychoticism, anxiety, and depression, while instrumental support, emotional support, and religiosity emerged as primary coping strategies.

Conclusion: Psychological symptoms, notably psychoticism, anxiety, and depression, are prevalent among patients undergoing outpatient treatment for cardiovascular disease. Understanding and addressing these psychological aspects are crucial for comprehensive patient care and improved treatment outcomes.

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