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Zareena Parveen
Iqra Javed
Afza Lal Din
Tariq Rafique
Dr Haseeb Umar


Nursing practice, Human physiology, Undergraduate Education, Nursing process, Systematic practice, Dynamic practice, Professional practice, Scientific method


Introduction: Nursing practice requires comprehensive knowledge of the body's functioning, making the study of human physiology essential during undergraduate education. The nursing process, a tool for systematic, dynamic, and timely professional practice based on the scientific method, forms the organizing axis of the nursing curriculum at many universities, including those in Pakistan.

Objective: To identify students and teachers of core nursing courses' perception of applying physiological knowledge gained during practical work in the Physiology class at different stages of the nursing process.

Method: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted. An anonymous questionnaire was randomly administered to students and teachers. The questionnaire included a double-entry table describing the contents of each practical work and the phases of the nursing process.

Results: The questionnaire was answered by 24 teachers (39%) and 38 students (61%). Both groups most frequently applied physiology knowledge in the assessment and diagnosis phases of the nursing process. Perceptions of applying physiological knowledge in each practical work varied between teachers and students, with teachers more frequently recognizing the use of physiology in nursing.

Conclusions: Structuring practical physiology activities around the nursing process appears to be a valid didactic strategy. Both teachers and students perceive that they apply the knowledge gained during the course in various stages of the nursing process, particularly in assessment and diagnosis. The higher perception among teachers suggests better nursing process management due to their higher level of knowledge and professional practice.

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