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Bhumika Bhatt
Amit Kumar
Awadhesh Kumar
Devendra Kumar


Maternal, Health Services, Utilization



Introduction: Pregnancy and childbirth are special events in a woman’s life but during this period they are more vulnerable to disease and death. Every day, approximately 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth among which 99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries only.

Aims & Objectives:  To assess utilization of antenatal, intra-natal and postnatal services provided in urban area of Rohtak and to study the socio-cultural practices during antenatal, intra-natal, postnatal period and aving a bearing on the same.

Material & Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among all women who delivered during the study period. Deliveries were traced down telephonically and with the help of Anganwadi worker and health workers they were interviewed using pre-designed pretested interview schedule. Categorical data was analysed using Chi square test.

Results: Mean age of mother at the time of first pregnancy was 22.6 + 2.38 years. Majority (46.5%) of the women were registered in the first trimester. It also shows that about two-third of study population (67.8%) had more than four  visits in the whole duration of pregnancy, 96.8% of deliveries were attended by skilled birth attendants out of them majority (82.7%) of deliveries were conducted by doctor.

Conclusion: There is a clear need for targeted interventions, strategies, and policies to address the identified limitations and enhance the accessibility, quality, and utilization of maternal health services in urban areas of Rohtak.

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