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Kamran Ali
Ahmed Khayyam
Namra Tanvir
Muhammad Umair Raheem Awan
Zarian Khan
Fareeha Akram
Abdulla K. Alsubai
Sumaiya Asif Sayed
Hosam Alazazzi
Ibrahim Asim


Depression, Diabetic control, Cross-Sectional Study, Trust Hospital, Comorbidity


Background and Aim: Diabetes and dementia represent prevalent health conditions in our population, imposing a significant burden of disease on society. Despite the increasing prevalence of diabetes in Pakistan, there is no prominent study investigating the relationship between depression and diabetes. The objective of the current study was to see the effect of depression in the local population so that measures should be taken accordingly.

Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional was conducted on 70 patients in the department of Endocrinology, Bahria International Hospital, Lahore Pakistan from January 2023 to June 2023. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and protocol was used for the assessment of depression severity.  Patients were grouped in five different categories for state of mind of the patients ranging from “no to minimal depression” to “severe depression”. HbA1C was checked at the same point of time as evidence of control of diabetes. Collected data was processed using SPSS.

Results: The optimal HbA1C control target is set at 7%. However, the mean HbA1C level in our population was 10.7%± 1.75%, indicating a significant improvement over the recommended 7%. Age-wise distribution of patients were as follows; 14 (20%) in 20-35 years, 27 (38.6%) in 36-50 years, and 29 (41.4%) had >50 years. There were 41 (58.6%) male and 29 (41.4%) female. The incidence of no depression, mild, moderate, and severe depression based on PHQ-9 was 30 (42.9%), 18 (25.7%), 14 (20%), and 8 (11.4%) respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in HbA1C between different groups of population. Similarly, there was no statistically significant effect of degree of depression on the control of diabetes. Frequency of severe depression in our population was also higher than general population, which may be due to either poor socio-economic status or poor diabetes control.

Conclusion: The present study observed that people presenting to the trust hospital have poor control of diabetes. There was no apparent effect of depression on glycemic control in this population, particularly among individuals with poorly controlled diabetes.

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