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Jainam B. Khatsuriya
Kuntupalli Sandhya Rani
Dr. Pragnesh Patani


Betel Leaf and Parijat


Modern pharmacology has long drawn inspiration from the rich history of traditional medicinal herbs. The therapeutic potential of two such plants, Nyctanthes arbortristis and Piper betel Linn, is explored in depth in this review. These plant species continue to fascinate scientists in the modern scientific environment because of their numerous uses in traditional medical procedures. The 'Night-flowering Jasmine,' also known as Nyctanthes arbortristis, is filled with a wealth of bioactive substances. We examine its analgesic, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities to provide light on its potential in the treatment of numerous diseases. We also look into the historical applications of Nyctanthes arbortristis and how well they align with current knowledge. The ‘Betel Leaf’ often referred to as Piper betel Linn, has a long history in traditional medicine, notably in Asia. The pharmacological effects of Piper betel, such as its antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, are shown in this review. By bridging the gap between conventional wisdom and cutting-edge research, we demonstrate the medicinal use of this amazing plant. We also go through the difficulties and possibilities of utilizing the medical potential of Nyctanthes arbortristis and Piper betel Linn in the twenty-first century. This thorough investigation is a useful tool for academics, professionals, and amateurs who want to learn more about these botanical wonders and use them into contemporary medicine.

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