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Ikhlef Jebbor
Mohit Lakkimsetti
Zoubida Benmamoun
Hanaa Hachimi


Metal Oxide, Marshall Dosage, Asphalt Mixture


Background: Traditional asphalt pavements, due to their dark color, absorb significant amounts of solar energy, contributing to the Urban Heat Island effect and discomfort for residents. This study aims to investigate the incorporation of red pigments into asphalt mixtures to create colorful pavements, potentially mitigating the heat island effect. Additionally, the study explores the use of metal oxides to lower albedo and assesses potential impacts on mechanical properties.

Methods:Aggregates were analyzed using Los Angeles abrasion tests, specific mass, and grain size measurements, while the asphaltic binder underwent penetration, softening point, and rotating viscosity tests. Mechanical properties were evaluated through Tensile Strength, Modulus of Resilience, and Marshall Stability tests, with specimens subjected to varying concentrations of red and yellow metal oxides.

Results:Mixtures containing 5% red and yellow metal oxides exhibited lower strength values compared to the reference mixture without dye additions. Despite this, the colorful asphalt mixtures demonstrate potential for mitigating the Urban Heat Island effect if they meet minimum legal standards for all conducted tests.

Conclusion:Colorful asphalt mixtures incorporating red pigments and metal oxides offer a promising avenue for reducing the Urban Heat Island effect. While some reduction in mechanical parameters was observed with dye addition, these mixtures could still be viable options for colored pavements, provided they meet regulatory requirements for performance and durability. Further research is warranted to optimize the formulation and assess long-term performance under varying environmental conditions.

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