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Muhammad Sohail
Shehryar Riaz
Muhammad Idrees Khan
Fahad Faizullah
Salman Hakim
Khalida Ikram


Itraconazole, Terbinafine, Tinea corporis


Background: Infection with dermatophytes is becoming more common, particularly in tropical regions. Pathogens causing Tinea showed resistant to a number of frequently used antifungals.

Aim: To compare the efficacy of terbinafine and itraconazole in the treatment of Tinea coporis infection.

Materials and Methods: This randomized parallel group trial was conducted at the department of dermatology Mian Rashid Hussain Memorial Hospital Nowshera from November 2023 to March 2024. Patients were randomly distributed into two groups based on the treatment they received. Everyone was checked on every two weeks. Results were evaluated at four and six weeks. A full clinical clearance of the lesions was deemed a cure. For each patient, the KOH positive and negative as well as fungus culturing were performed. The statistical study was conducted using the Chi-square test and parametric one-way analysis of variance (F test) using SPSS 24.

Results: With 75 individuals in each group, a total of 150 patients included in the research. Compared to 81% of patients in the itraconazole group, 60 % of patients in the terbinafine group experienced a full recovery. There was a statistically significant improvement at the six-week p value < 0.05.

Conclusion: This study showed that Itracanzole effectiveness is better than terbinafine however both can be used in Tinea corporis. Based on this study the use Itracanazole is suggested in Tinea diseases. No notable side effects were shown in both of the groups.

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