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Mohammad Shoaib Khan
Manzoor Iqbal Khattak
Nida Kazmi
Adnan Afridi
Munnaza Saeed
Hamid Ullah


Heavy Metals, Nanotechnology, Environmental Pollution, Drinking water


The purpose of the current research is to ascertain the levels of heavy metal pollution in drinking ground water samples taken from various areas of Balochistan, Pakistan. Drinking water contamination is a relatively recent issue that has led to a rise in stress as a consequence of recent enormous population expansion, urbanization, and industry. Because heavy metals are poisonous, persistent, and bioaccumulative in the environment, they are regarded as serious pollutants. Additionally, a brand-new adsorbent was made to extract heavy metals from drinking water. After that, the size and surface morphology of the produced adsorbents were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the crystalinity was verified using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The elemental analysis of iron and oxygen in the EDX data was followed by TG/DTA characterisation to ascertain its thermal stability. In the province of Balochistan, the maximum samples were determined to be under the limits for heavy metal pollution; nevertheless, the drinking water samples from the Jaffarabad and Zhob districts had the highest zinc contents, measuring 36.24 and 31.00 ug/L, respectively. Thermodynamic characteristics showed that the adsorption of heavy metals was endothermic and spontaneous. The spontaneous character of the process is signified by the negative values of different temperatures as well as shows high affinity of the heavy metals towards the prepared adsorbent


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