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Aliya Kemal Ahsan
Rumana Sangi
Mohammad Mohsin
Mujeeb Ur Rehman
Farah Jamil
Muhammad Moin Ashraf
Haider Ali
Abdul Sattar Shaikh


Consanguinity, Congenital heart disease, Adult patients, Pakistan


Objectives: To assess consanguinity as a potential risk factor for congenital heart disease in patients with adult congenital heart disease in a tertiary care hospital setting in Pakistan.

Materials and Methods:  This is cross sectional study conducted in outpatient department of Pediatric Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (NICVD), Karachi, Pakistan from November, 2022 to October, 2023. Patients with age equal and more than 18 years with CHD were enrolled. This study A predesign questionere were used to collect data. For statistical analysis we used SPSS Version 25.

Results:  A total of 129 patients were enrolled.  The mean age of the patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) was 25.74±9.77 years. Among the total enrolled CHD patients, 73 (56.6%) were male, and 65 (43.4%) were female. The history of CHD in the mother, father, and siblings was reported in 7 (5.4%), 5 (3.9%), and 7 (5.4%) cases, respectively. Additionally, 52 (40.3%) patients had a history of consanguinity in their parents' marriage.

Conclusion: The study's conclusion indicates that there is a heightened risk of Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) in adult patients associated with consanguinity in parental marriages.

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