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Ghazala Waris
Asma Ahmed
Atoofa Rukhsar
Areesha Malik


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Letrozole, Cyproterone acetate, Formononetin, Ovarian, Uterine, Hepato-renal


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an emerging health problem for females belonging to reproductive age across the globe. Conventional methods of treatment only provide symptomatic relief with many side effects. So to seek alternative treatment options, current study was designed to observe and compare the restorative and protective roles of formononetin (40 mg/Kg.b.w./day) on ovary, uterus, liver and kidneys of PCOS induced (via letrozole @ 1.0 mg/Kg b.w./day) female Sprague dawley rats (150-200 gm) by keeping cyproterone acetate (1.0 mg/Kg.b.w./day) as positive control. Statistically analyzed results (p<0.0001) showed that after treatment of PCOS induced rats with formononetin, there was remarkable restoration of FSH, estradiol and progesterone (3.14±0.98 ml U/mL, 5.8±1.2 pg/dL and 45± 0.01 pg/mL respectively) as compared to positive control (2.5±0.01 mlU/mL, 3.05±0.3 pg/dL and 48±5.2 pg/mL respectively) while there was decrease in the levels of bilirubin and uric acid (0.4±0.01 mg/dL and 2.3±0.7 mg/dL) as compared to positive control (0.9±0.01 mg/dL and 4.7±0.15 mg/dL) respectively. Serum ALT, AST, ALP, urea and creatinine were (67±0.01 IU/L, 255±0.3 IU/L, 315±0.0I IU/L, 41.3±1.5 mg/dL, 1.31±0.25 mg/dL) in experimental group as compared to control  (78.3±1.8 IU/L, 134.3±4.5 IU/L, 618±0.0I IU/L, 55±0.01 mg/dL,0.8±0.1 mg/d) respectively.  Histological examination experimental group showed restoration of normal ovarian stroma from typical pearl string cystic appearance, with normal hepato-renal tissues. So it is concluded that formononetin may helpful to cure or mange PCOS but more studies are require to establish hepto-renal safety.

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