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Faiza Inam
Rabia Ghafoor
Bahram Khan Khoso
Syeda Mahanum Ali
Parisa Sanawar
Khadija Asadullah


Outcome, Secukinumab, moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.


Objective: To determine the outcome of Secukinumab in the therapy of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis at a tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan.

Study design: Single arm non-randomized trial

Place and duration of study: Department of Dermatology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi from 5th July 2021 to 10th July 2022.

Methodology: The study included moderate or severe plaque psoriasis patients aged 30 years or older receiving treatment with subcutaneous injections of Secukinumab 300mg at zero one two three and four weeks and then every  month for five months. Patients were followed till week 25. Pre and post therapy photographs were taken. Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) was calculated before and after treatment. Outcome was assessed in terms of improvement in plaque psoriasis. All patients who were presented with 75% decline in the PASI at the end of the therapy as compared to baseline were labelled as improvement.

Results: Of 35 patients, the average age was 37.68 ± 9.89 years, with a majority of 22 (65.7%) males. The average duration of psoriasis was 10.42 ± 8.03 years, and psoriatic arthritis was observed in 15 (42.9%) patients. The PASI score decreased from 20.66 ± 3.09 to 4.22 ± 1.66 (p-value < 0.001, 95% CI 15.50 to 17.36), representing an average reduction of 79.73%. The treatment showed >75% decrease in PASI score post-treatment in 31 (88.57%) patients. Adverse events were reported in 2 patients.

Conclusion: Current study findings showed a good outcome and established the safety of secunkinumab in therapy of patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

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