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Arfa Ikram
Mehak Mukhtar
Javeria Javed
Amina Rahat
Assad Ullah


Efficacy, Intralesional Glucantime and Cryotherapy, Intralesional Glucantime, Cryotherapy, cutaneous Leishmaniasis


Introduction: Leishmaniasis is categorized into three different clinical forms that are: visceral, mucocutaneous, and cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), of which the more frequent form is the cutaneous Leishmaniasis. There is a need for more effective and less time-consuming therapeutic methods for this condition.

Objectives: We ought to compare the efficacy of Intralesional meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®) and cryotherapy combined whereas cryotherapy and Intralesional meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®) alone for the    treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Materials and Methods: A total of 258 (86 patients in each group) were observed. Patients were allocated in three groups that are A, B, and C. Group-A had the combination of Intralesional Glucantime and Cryotherapy fortnightly. Group-B patients received Intralesional Glucantime alone fortnightly. Group-C patients were treated with Cryotherapy alone fortnightly.

RESULTS: In Group-A the mean age was 31.37 years ± 10.99 SD. In Group-B mean age was 31 years ± 10.56 SD while in Group-C mean age was 32.50 years ± 10.50SD.  In Group-A 61% of patients were male and 39% were female. In Group-B 58% of patients were male and 42% were female. In Group-C 59% of patients were male and 41% were female. Moreover, Group-A (Intralesional Glucantime and Cryotherapy) was effective in 98% patients, Group B (Intralesional Glucantime alone) was effective in 82% patients and Group C (Cryotherapy alone) was effective in 78% patients.

CONCLUSION: Our study concludes that it is more effective to use the combination of Intralesional Glucantime and Cryotherapy than either Intralesional Glucantime   or Cryotherapy alone for the treatment of cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

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