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Dr. Nilamadhaba Prusty
Dr. Siddharth Panditray


Nasal polyps, MPV, NLR, PDW, ELR


Background: Nasal polyps (NP) are benign protrusions of para-nasal sinus formed as a result of long standing mucosal changes due to allergy or infection. Treatment options include medically (oral or topical steroids) or surgically (Endoscopic sinus surgery).Novel inflammatory markers have been investigated in recent years for their levels in nasal polyps and as markers of recurrence.

Methodology: 37 patients (21 males and 15 females) with histopathologically confirmed nasal polyps (ethmoidal and antrochoanal), presenting in ENT OPD owere taken up for surgery (Endoscopic polypectomy/ FESS). All patients had their Complete blood count (CBC) performed with an automated blood cell counter. Preoperative nasal endoscopy and computed tomography (CT) scans were conducted on each patient. The following values were directly derived and tabulated from the CBC reports: Absolute neutrophil count (N), Absolute eosinophil count (E), absolute lymphocyte count (L), Mean platelet volume (MPV), Platelet distribution width (PDW). The Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and eosinophil to lymphocyte ratio were calculated and tabulated .CBC was repeated at 6 months and 12 months post-operative.

Results: All the parameters had a significant decrease in the post-operative period when comparing Baseline vs 6 months and 1 year values of. comparing recurrent( 9/ 37) vs non recurrent( 28/37) cases, there was highly significant difference(decrease) in all parameters (MPV-p=0.000 ; PDW-p=0.002; NLR-p=0.000 ; ELR-p=0.000).

Conclusion: MPV, PDW, NLR and ELR are simple and reproducible parameters in predicting recurrence in nasal polyps. They can be used with clinical observation and follow up of nasal polyp cases after FESS and predicting response to surgery

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