Modulation effects of Etlingera elatior ethanol extract as anti-inflammatory on chronic kidney disease in mice with hypertension and diabetes

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Teky Widyarini
Dono Indarto
Bambang Purwanto


diabetic nephropathy, ethanol extract of E.elatior fruit, anti-inflammation.


The incidence of diabetes increased significantly around the world in accordance with lifestyle and change in eating behaviour. Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide (STZ-NA) is capable of inducing Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in experimental animals for insulin resistance. In this research, we inspect the therapeu-tic potential of Etlingera elatior ethanol extract (EEEE) on diabetes associated with diabetic nephropa-thy and hypertension complications in mice models. Diabetes and hypertension are induced in mice using STZ 45 mg/kgBB and NA 110 mg/kgBB, followed by unilateral ureter ligation (UUO) for 4 weeks after a week of STZ-NA induction. The EEEE solution was given in the last 4 weeks with doses of 200, 400, 600, and 800 mg/kgBB. The results of this study prove the effect of vanillic acid on improving systolic blood pressure, plasma creatinine, plasma glucose, albuminuria and reducing the inflammatory marker high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Histopathology of kidney is under investigation for being part of diabetes hypertension pathology. Treatment using EEEE 600 and 800 mg/kgBB for 4 weeks in experimental mice results in the decrease of plasma glucose, systolic blood pressure, plasma creatinine, albuminuria, and hs-CRP, including the restoration of kidney histology significantly com-pared to 200 and 400 mg/kgBB doses. This result concludes that EEEE offers modulation effects on diabetes hypertension control by reducing blood glucose rate, blood pressure rate, kidney defect, and inflammation markers

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