Can Ethanol Extract of Etlingera elatior Fruit Prevent Inflammations on Diabetic Nephropathy Mice Models?

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Teky Widyarini
Dono Indarto
Bambang Purwanto


diabetic nephropathy, ethanol extract of E.elatior fruit, nephroprotective, anti-inflammation, antioxidant


Objective: This research aimed to compare ethanol extract of Etlingera elatior (E.elatior) effects given in diabetes, pre diabetes, and post diabetes period.
Materials and Methods: This research used post-test only control group design. The first five mice group was given extract in pre DM period, the next group was given extract in post DM period, and the last group was given after ligation. Unilateral ureter ligation will be given to diabetic mice after one week. Evaluation of body weight, tension, glucose, albuminuria, and creatinine was in the fourth and fifth week of experiment. In the last week, High Sensitive C Reactive Protein (hsCRP) was examined.
Results: The results of the research showed that ethanol extract of E.elatior significantly reduce creatinine and hsCRP rate when the extract was given in pre diabetic and DM period (p<0,05). There is no significant difference of urine albumin rate based on extract giving period. Mice receiving extracts are proven to decrease necrotic and inflammation condition in kidney histologically.
Conclusion: ethanol extract of E.elatior fruit possesses anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hypertension activities as well as hinders weight loss. The extract is beneficial for nephroprotective with natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation substances inside of it.

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