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Musarrat Parveen
Rabia Kirran
Sana Raza


Integrative Approaches, Psychedelics and Mental Health, Chronic Disease Management, Psychosocial Support, Mental Health, Patient-Centered Care, Chronic Illness Adaptation, Psychotherapy


Patients with chronic diseases experience significant effects on their emotional and psychological well-being in addition to their physical health. Integrative approaches to managing chronic illnesses place a strong emphasis on the biopsychosocial model and integrate innovative psychotherapy methods, stress-reduction strategies, and emotional support into routine medical care. Technological innovations including neurofeedback, somatic experience, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) are becoming more widely acknowledged for their effectiveness in reducing stress reactions, boosting emotional resilience, and enhancing patients' quality of life. These techniques focus on psychological and neurological processes, providing innovative approaches to the complex management of chronic illnesses. Furthermore, technological advancements that bridge the gap between physical and psychological treatment include telepsychology and digital therapies, which provide accessible and individualized mental health care. The current research delves into the latest developments in integrative care, emphasizing how these treatments might improve therapeutic results by addressing the interaction between managing chronic disease and neurophysiological stress responses. Subsequent investigations have to concentrate on clarifying the processes that underlie these therapies and broadening their utilization among other patient demographics. By establishing a more thorough, patient-centered paradigm that combines conventional medical therapies with emotional and psychological well-being, integrative methods hold the potential to completely transform the way chronic disease care is provided.

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