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Ayesha Tasawar
Iqra Bukhari
Aqsa Waqar
Huda Asif Malik
Saira Majid
Atif Rasool
Musarrat parveen
Tayyba Jamil
Awais Ur Rahman


Cancer immunotherapy, Emotional challenges, Psychological impact, Patient coping mechanisms, Novel cancer treatments, Mental health in cancer patients, Anxiety and depression, Patient support systems, Psychological resilience


Cancer immunotherapy has transformed oncology and given patients new hope. It includes cutting-edge therapies like immune checkpoint inhibitors and CAR-T cell therapy. The quick development of these treatments, however, brings with them severe psychological difficulties. Due to the unique and unpredictable nature of immunotherapy, patients frequently experience increased levels of anxiety, uncertainty, and emotional discomfort.


Feelings of fear and loneliness may worsen as a result of the treatment's protracted and challenging course and possible adverse consequences. This review explores how patients' emotional responses to cancer immunotherapy affect their well-being and the course of their treatment, delving into the psychological terrain around this approach. It emphasizes mental health providers' vital role in offering assistance and promoting an integrated care strategy considering patient care's medical and psychological components. This study emphasizes the significance of holistic patient care, where emotional and psychological support is smoothly incorporated into the treatment process, by concentrating on the confluence between immunotherapy and mental health. Improving the general quality of life for cancer patients receiving immunotherapy and ensuring that advancements in treatment match advancements in patient care depend on understanding and attention to these psychological aspects.

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