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Hadia Faisal
Raisa Shahzadi
Aqsa Ayesha Masood
Ahmad Mehmood
Hassan Sadiq
Haroon Amin


Contrast-enhanced computed tomography, bronchogenic carcinoma, CT Scan


Background: Bronchogenic carcinoma is still a complicated, multifaceted illness with a variety of presentations determined by histological subtypes, diagnostic methods, and demographic factors. By using histopathology as the reference standard, the objective of this investigation is to thoroughly assess the efficacy of contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) scans in the identification of bronchogenic cancer.

Method: A group of patients between the ages of 20 and 80 who had been diagnosed with or were suspected of having bronchogenic carcinoma undertook a thorough analysis that looked at factors like gender distribution, age-related trends, connections with cigarette smoking, and propensities for metastasis across different histological subtypes. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were assessed for diagnostic instruments, CECT, and histology.

Results: The study showed a notable gender disparity, with most patients (65%) being men. The need of individualized approaches is highlighted by the fact that age-related trends varied across histological subtypes. Significant insights were gained from associations between smoking status and different subtypes of lung cancer, which confirmed the association between smoking and some subtypes while challenging preconceived assumptions in others. The need for individualized treatment plans was highlighted by the fact that metastatic tendencies varied among subtypes. With a PPV of 91% and an NPV of 67% for CECT and a PPV of 94% and an NPV of 73% for histopathology, respectively, both tests showed good sensitivity and specificity.

Conclusion: This study provides insights into the roles played by demographic parameters, histological subtypes, and diagnostic techniques in the complex terrain of bronchogenic carcinoma diagnosis. The results highlight how CECT and histology work in tandem to improve the diagnostic process' precision and dependability. Future study will be guided by restrictions, such as sample size and retrospective analysis, to improve diagnostic approaches and examine rapidly developing technology in the industry.

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