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Abdul Moiz Khan
Dr. Sidra Tariq
Muhammad Kamran
Ayesha Sadiq
Hadiqa Adnan
Zainab Noor Qazi
Muslim Khan


Anterior cruciate ligament repair, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, therapeutic exercises, Quadriceps


Background: Anterior cruciate ligament ACL injuries among athletes and other physically active people usually develop into surgeries, which are followed by intensive post-operative rehabilitation. This is aimed at successful recovery of muscular strength and functional stability. NMES has appeared to be a promising adjuvant modality that might enhance neuromuscular activation and accelerate the recovery process. The main objective of the study is to assess the impact of NMES coupled with a structured therapeutic exercise program on muscle strength, functional outcomes, and overall recovery in patients undergoing postoperative ACL rehabilitation.

Methods: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) involved 16 patients who had undergone ACL reconstruction surgery. Participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group, receiving NMES combined with therapeutic exercises, or the control group, receiving therapeutic exercises alone. The intervention lasted 10 weeks, with assessments conducted at baseline and at 10 week. Primary outcomes included quadriceps muscle strength, measured using an isokinetic dynamometer, and knee function, evaluated through Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale.

Results: the results showed significant improvement in strength of quadriceps and knee function in group receiving NMES and therapeutic exercises as compared to therapeutic alone group with a mean difference of a mean difference of 8.75 (p=0.04) and 5.50 (p=0.047) for quadriceps strength and knee function respectively.

Conclusion: NMES is considered to substantially enhance the recovery of muscle strength and function during post-ACL reconstruction rehabilitation programs compared to therapeutic exercises alone. Such results suggest that NMES could be a valuable addition to traditional rehabilitation protocols, possibly even further improving the treatment outcomes for patients undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery.

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