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Ijaz Ali
Abdul Haq Khan
Awais Ali Zaidi
Wahid Shafiq
Muhammad Umar Khayam Sahibzada
Kainat Ilyas
Abdul Saboor
Hajra Iqbal
Muhammad Amtiaz Aslam
Muhammad Basit Mujahid


Seed oil, Bioactive, GC-MS, Antioxidant, Iodine Value, Fatty Acids, Phytochemical, Physicochemical.


Chemical and physicochemical characterization of Sesbania sesban seed oil was carried out. Oil was subjected to chemical analysis by GC-FID and GC-MS. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were identified Palmitic acid was found in (57.24%), Stearic acid (22.8 %) eicosanoic acid (4.5 %) and linoleic acid (4.4%). Thirteen (13) compounds belonging to diverse class were identified. Presence of 2-methylbutanal, 2-amylfuran, Pentanoic acid, Hexanoic acid, Decanal, Eucalyptol, Vitamin-D, Palmitic acid, Oleic acid, Plant steroids and Alpha Pinene were detected. This justified the use of oil as folk medicine. These constituents collectively are responsible for Antimicrobial, anti- inflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant, anti-anxiolytic, anti-parkinsonian, anti-glaucoma, muscle relaxant, antihypertensive, diuretic, anti-ulcer, anti-ageing, and anticancer activities of this extremely important medicinal oil. Iodine value was found 10.730 for Sesbania sesban oil while SAP value was found 366.207 with total fat 51.220 %, saturated (47.055%) and unsaturated (4.163%). Antioxidant activity was also done of oil from seed by DPPH assay and found insignificant. Further research is required to determine the specific dose and safety profile of recommended dose for given medical condition.

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