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Mr. Pranjal Bora
Abanibhusan Jena
Dr Asutosh Pramanik
Dr Sukanta Bandyopadhyay
Dr. Anil Hazarika


Chronic disease management, AI-powered monitoring, predictive analytics, personalized healthcare, wearable devices, cost-effectiveness analysis.


Diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases are some of the common diseases that are prevalent in the world and exert a lot of pressure on the health systems. The conventional management techniques do not provide immediate and personalized attention. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of AI based health monitoring systems for enhancing chronic diseases. Smartwatches and mobile applications in combination with artificial intelligence tools enable users to monitor, evaluate, and provide interventions on a daily basis. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative research to assess the effectiveness of AI tools on patients’ outcomes in a RCT trial. The results indicate the improvement of the patients’ health outcomes including HbA1c, blood pressure, and medication adherence. The AI systems are more efficient and among all the models the CNN model has the highest accuracy and prediction. The cost breakdown demonstrates that while the setup cost of AI-based monitoring systems is relatively higher than the standard care, the annual operating cost is relatively lower and the QALYs per patient is also higher. There are limitations such as data privacy and technological implementation and thus it is suggested that subsequent research take them into consideration. The study finds that AI in health monitoring is capable of revolutionizing chronic disease management through efficiency, cost and patient centeredness.The cost breakdown demonstrates that while the setup cost of AI-based monitoring systems is relatively higher than the standard care, the annual operating cost is relatively lower and the QALYs per patient is also higher. There are limitations such as data privacy and technological implementation and thus it is suggested that subsequent research take them into consideration. The study finds that AI in health monitoring is capable of revolutionizing chronic disease management through efficiency, cost and patient centeredness.

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