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Dibyadeb Ghosh
Irfan Ahmad Khan
Dr Seema Yadav
Dr Sukanta Bandyopadhyay


Early childhood nutrition, long-term health outcomes, cognitive development, chronic diseases, multivariable regression, longitudinal data analysis, public health interventions


Early childhood nutrition significantly impacts long-term health outcomes, yet comprehensive longitudinal studies are lacking. This prospective cohort study tracked 600 children from birth to adulthood, collecting annual data on dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, and cognitive assessments. Statistical analyses, including multivariable regression and longitudinal data analysis techniques, were employed to assess associations between early childhood nutrition and health outcomes. Findings revealed that adequate nutrient intake during infancy and early childhood correlated with enhanced growth trajectories, elevated cognitive function scores, and reduced risk of chronic diseases in adulthood, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders. Specific dietary patterns emerged as protective factors against adverse health outcomes. These findings underscore the critical role of early childhood nutrition in promoting lifelong health and well-being. Implementing interventions to optimize dietary intake from infancy onwards holds promise for reducing the burden of chronic diseases and enhancing overall population health. This study provides valuable insights for informing public health policies and interventions aimed at improving nutritional practices during early childhood, ultimately contributing to better long-term health outcomes for individuals and populations.

Abstract 1491 | pdf Downloads 433


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