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Dr Anam Malik
Dr Taha Sohail Moosani
Dr Shoaib Alvi
Dr Yusra Nasir
Dr Sarah Haq
Dr Samina Bakhsh


Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Menta Health, Dental students, Environment


Introduction: Anxiety, depression, and stress are pervasive issues that affect a broad spectrum of the population, with particular prevalence among students in demanding academic programs. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to find the role of anxiety, depression and stress in dental students and its association with sociodemographic variables, job stress and the academic environment.

Methodology of the study: This cross-sectional survey analysis was conducted at different dental institutes from Pakistan during June 2022 to Dec 2023. Data were collected from 550 participants. Participants were recruited from multiple dental institutes, ensuring a diverse sample that included students from various academic years, ranging from first-year students to those in their final year of study. Both male and female students were included, allowing for the analysis of potential gender differences in the prevalence and severity of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Results: Data were collected from 550 participants. 35% of the students reported moderate to severe anxiety, 30% reported moderate to severe depression, and 40% reported moderate to severe stress. These findings underscore the pervasive nature of mental health issues within this population, highlighting the need for targeted support and interventions. The study's findings reveal that younger dental students, particularly those aged 20-22, experience significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, and stress, with 50% reporting moderate to severe anxiety, 45% reporting depression, and 55% reporting stress.

Conclusion: It is concluded that anxiety, depression, and stress are prevalent among dental students, significantly influenced by sociodemographic factors, job stress, and the academic environment.

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