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Dr Zia UL Islam
Dr Anam Malik
Dr Asifa Iqbal
Dr Anita Zahid
Dr Ayesha Fahim
Dr Abeer Ijaz


Dental, AI, Implications, Oral pathology, Oral Medicine, Oral surgery


Introduction: The evolution of dentistry over the past few decades has seen remarkable technological advancements, but none as transformative as the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Objective: The main objective of the study is to find the analysis, application, and outcome of Artificial intelligence Techniques in dentistry and the future of oral medicine, oral pathology, oral surgery in the hands of technology.

Methodology of the study: This cross-sectional survey study was conducted during January 2024 to June 2024. The survey is designed to gather quantitative data on the current use of AI in dentistry and insights into the experiences and perspectives of dental professionals regarding the integration of AI technologies. A total of 455 participants were involved in this study. A systematically designed questionnaire was designed and put this questionnaire on different social media platforms and distributed in participants related to dentistry.

Results: Data were collected from 455 participants. The study's demographic analysis reveals that the majority of participants were male (53.8%) and within the 35-44 age group (39.6%), indicating a relatively young and gender-diverse sample. Most participants had between 6 to 10 years of experience (33%), reflecting a mid-career population. Diagnostic accuracy improved by 20%, reducing missed diagnoses of early-stage oral cancer, which could have critical implications for patient survival rates. The success rate of orthodontic treatments increased by 15%, indicating that AI enhances the precision and effectiveness of these procedures.

Conclusion: It is concluded that Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the field of dentistry, offering significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and overall efficiency.

Abstract 78 | PDF Downloads 25


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