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Dr. Noor Nabi Siyal
Dr. Hafsa Usman Shaikh
Dr Abdul Sattar Khan
Dr. Sadia Ashraf
Dr. Sana Zameer
Dr Sajjad Hussain Qureshi
Dr Mujeeb ur Rehman Sahito
Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Shahani


Neurological disorders, epidemiology, clinical pattern


Objective/Aim: A study was conducted to determine the spectrum of neurological disorders seen in outpatient departments.

Materials and Methods: This study included all outpatients referred to or presented to the neurology department Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences for six months from February 2021 to July 2021. The proforma includes information about their demographics, disabilities, and diagnoses. According to the International Classification of Diseases, neurological disorders were classified into different categories by a neurologist. We used SPSS 23.0 for entering and analyzing data.

Results: The study period saw 470 patients visit the neurology outpatient clinic. There were more female participants (54.6%) than male participants. Among the participants, the mean age was 43.84±18.58. There were 257 patients from urban areas (54.6%), and 213 from rural areas (45.3%). Men were significantly more likely to suffer from vascular diseases (P-value 0.05). Psychiatric disorders and nerve disorders are more likely to be female than male (P-value <0.05). Elderly age groups were more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, movement disorders, and dementia (P-value < 0.05). There was a high prevalence of epilepsy in pediatrics, headaches and mental illness in young people, as well as nerve disease most prevalent in middle-aged and older individuals (P value <0.05).

Conclusion: There was a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders followed by nerve disorders and headaches. Among different age groups, prevalence varied significantly, and there was almost no difference by gender.

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