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Sobia Anjum
Shazia Anwer Bukhari
Amna Mushtaq
Sadaf Javaria
Fozia Anjum


Bio recovery, biosynthesized nanoparticles, seed priming, wheat, antioxidants


Background: Ore Tailing, a rich source of minerals stimulates researchers to microbially recover valuable metals from this toxic waste to usable form such as nano fertilizer in an eco-friendly manner. application of nano fertilizer (NF) as macro / or micro nutrients resulted in slow and feasible nutrient release with maximum utilization of nutrient resulting in higher production of food healthy for man in comparison to the commercial fertilizer

 Objective: This study was carried out to explore the potential benefits of biosynthesized valuable nano fertilizer bio recovered from ore tailing to produce antioxidant rich crop of wheat after seed priming treatment.

Methodology: Ore tailing was procured and pretreated. A. niger strain was collected, purified and used to bioleach metals from ore tailing under optimized conditions according to orthogonal array design. Synthesis of bio recovered nanoparticles were characterized using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV/VIS) and Zeta sizer analysis (DLS). BNPs with various concentrations were evaluated for their efficacy on seed germination and antioxidant potential of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by seed priming technique.

Results: Aspergillus niger metabolites exhibited good potential for metal ions solubilization and conversion into nano formulation. Seedlings displayed pronounced seed germination (100 % ± 0.00) and seedling growth in terms of root and shoot length (8.31 ± 0.18 &7.46 ± 0.15) with the outcome of phenolics (95.4 ± 0.95) and flavonoids (42.48 ± 0.4) in the seeds treated with 1.00 ppm of biosynthesized nanoparticles. Minimum growth was observed in water as control representing germination % (96.48 ± 0.13) and seedling growth (4.36 & 4.81 cm) with the exhibition of phenolics and flavonoids (59.46 ±1.15.&19.7 ± 0.23).

Conclusion: BNP has stimulatory effect on wheat seeds as progressive increase in their germination and antioxidant capacity were observed. Biosynthesized nanoparticles could be an initiative for the development of nano-biofertilizers of potential importance in nutritional attributes.

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