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Iqra Mahreen
Saba Shabir
Dr. Gul Muhammad Shaikh
Madiha Akram
Amna Liaquat
Ahmed Ikram
Aamir Iqbal


Stress Perception, Family Conflicts, Burnout, Job Performance


The core aim of this study was to explore the relationship between work family, stress perception and burnout with job performance among nurses. This is an acknowledged fact that paying attention to both job or family responsibilities is not an easy task. Especially, the nurses who are working in healthcare institutes i.e. in ICU, or in emergency wards are more vulnerable to stress or poor mental health. In this study a sample of (N=200) working nurses from Bahawalpur and Lahore hospitals were selected by using convenient sampling method. The study variables were measured by using valid and reliable scales. The findings of this study revealed a negative correlation between work family conflict and job performance among the nurses. The results of the study also revealed a positive significant relationship between work family conflicts, stress perception and burnout among the working nurses. Furthermore, stress perception and burnout play a significant mediating role in relation with work family conflicts and job performance. On the basis of the findings from this study it suggested that nursing is a highly tough job that leads to different stressors or family conflicts and these also become a hurdle in their job performance. So in order to maximize the job performance of working nurses it is necessary to decrease the work family conflicts, stress perception and burnout among them.

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