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Dr. V. Thiru Kumareswaran


General Practices, Trainees, Multitasking challenges, Research based training, Program improvement


There are many opportunities for young physicians to work in general practice departments as trainees and researchers. In most cases, trainees combine university work with clinical work part-time. A survey was conducted among trainees, department heads, and trainee trainers for general practitioners to find out how they view research-based training. Online surveys were conducted with general practitioners, trainees, and trainers. In the questionnaires, questions were both open-ended and closed-ended. Statistical analysis was carried out using both qualitative and descriptive methods. There were 56 trainees and 40 trainees who responded. Generally, trainees were satisfied with their training situation. Research and general practice training proved to be difficult for trainees. Research on general practice is lacking credibility and has problems with multitasking. A solution advocated is training that enables research. There is a perception that it is difficult to combine medical training with scientific research. It is still possible to improve the quality of the combination by well-designed and well-organized programs.

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