The Analytical Framework and Impact of OHS in Industrial Setting

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Jerin Johnkutty
Dr.Serajul Haque
Jerry Davis T


OHS, OHS Standards, OHS in India, Occupational Diseases, WHO, Global impact


Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for India is a 'development tool' and an inspiring trend. India is a developing nation, the most dynamic and strong democratic nation globally, and an emerging super-power. Most of the Indian workforce is employed in the unorganized sectors and lives in rural areas, while the population of urban was rising. Health at work and a safe workplace are among the essential properties of people, families, and nations. The wellbeing and welfare of workers are essential facets of the smooth and productive operation of the organization. OHS is a field concerned with preserving the safety, health, and wellbeing of people involved in work. As most process industries work under comparatively higher operational conditions with process variables (such as temperature, pressure, usage of dangerous chemicals, etc.), there is an elevated risk of injuries or workplace exposure to hazardous chemicals in process plants. With this focus and awareness, the number of accidents is continuing in the process industries. It can be assumed that there are gaps in the execution of OHS policy; therefore, an analysis is needed in this domain. In this paper, a detailed survey on OHS and its standards are discussed and analyzed.

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