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Ritu Verma


Infection Control, Class IV Workers & Structured Teaching Plan (STP)


The field of infection control focuses on preventing nosocomial or healthcare-associated infections and addresses factors related to the spread of infections within the healthcare environment, such as management, monitoring/investigation of proven or suspected infection spread within a specific healthcare environment, and prevention. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Plan (STP) on knowledge regarding infection control among class IV workers of Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida The objectives of the study were  to assess pre-test and post- test level of Knowledge regarding infection control, to compare pre-test and post- test knowledge score regarding infection control and  to find an association between pre- test and post- test knowledge score among selected socio- demographic variables among class IV workers of Sharda Hospital. A Quantitative research approach with pre-experimental one group pre- test post-test design was used for the study. Data revealed that, there was a statistically significant difference noted in the mean knowledge scores of class IV workers regarding Infection Control in pre-test and post-test at p<0.000. It showed that the intervention was effective in improving the knowledge of Class IV workers.

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