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Cheragh Hussain
Muhammad Hussain Afridi
Akbar Shah
Shaista Kawanl


Type 2 diabetes, Pregnant women, Congenital anomalies, HbA1c, Ultrasound


Objectives: to evaluate type II diabetic pregnant women at risk of fetal abnormalities.

Study design:  A Cross-sectional Study

Place and duration of study: Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology HMC hospital Peshawar from 1st march  2021 to  1st March 2022

Methodology: There were one hundred pregnant women with type 02 diabetes who were at least twenty-four weeks advanced in their pregnancy.  At the 21st and 22nd week, ultrasonography was used to get data on their abnormality scan. The irregularities were categorized as large and mild, and their relationship to the HbA1c category was shown.

Results:  Among all type 2 pregnant women who were more than twenty weeks along, the moms' mean age was 29.0±4.344 years. No discernible difference was seen between the HbA1C category groups.  Forty-eight of the women were nulliparous.  The patients in the excellent control group had the largest frequency of null parity, with a HbA1C < 6.8%. The HbA1C groups with poor and poorer control had higher BMI levels. The patients with the least control had the greatest number of congenital abnormalities, whereas the individuals with the most control had the fewest. There was a significant difference (p<0.002) in the number of reported abortion cases among women with type 2 diabetes compared to those with the lowest diabetic control. Women with type 2 diabetes showed a greater frequency of major abnormalities; the highest proportion was seen in those with really poor control.  Likewise, the worst outcomes were seen for minor anomalies, i.e., little abnormalities with really subpar management.  The most common congenital anomalies reported for cardiovascular events were in fetuses, followed by genitourinary (GU) or renal issues. The poorest control group of HbA1C pregnant women had the highest odds ratio for any form of abnormality, 05.45 (01.82 to 16.11), although the extremely bad control groups had the highest values for major abnormalities and minor anomalies.

Conclusion: Cardiovascular abnormalities are the most prevalent sort of congenital malformations that pregnant women with type 2 diabetes are more likely to have. An HbA1C of 11.5% or above is linked to the highest risk of congenital defects.

Abstract 103 | PDF Downloads 43


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