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Iqra Tehreem
Najma Iqbal Malik
Dr. Tahira Parveen
Ayesha Rafaqat
Ammara Rafaqat


Warm parenting, Adolescent wellbeing, Parent-adolescent attachment, Self- compassion, Adolescents


Adolescence is a period of significant transformation and growth, marked by numerous challenges and opportunities for development. The main objective of the present study is to examine Warm parenting and self-compassion as predictors of psychological well-being: Role of Parent-Adolescent Attachment. The correlational study was conducted on 300 adolescents using a convenient sampling method. Scales containing questions about participants’ background information, parenting style questionnaire (Shyny, 2017), psychological wellbeing scale (Birleson, 1980), adolescent-parent attachment inventory (APAI; Moretti & Obsuth, 2009) and the self-compassion scale (SCS; Neff et al., 2021) were used. Correlation, multiple regression, and moderation analyses were analysed using SPSS 22V. Results revealed a strongly significant positive correlation of variables with each other. Warm parenting was found to be a significant predictor of adolescent well-being. Parent-adolescent attachment and self-compassion significantly moderate between warm parenting and adolescent well-being among adolescents. This research highlights the significance of fostering warm parenting, parent-adolescent attachment and self-compassion promoting adolescent well-being as key factors in nurturing adolescents.

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