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Shakeel Ahmad
Saima Inayat
Muhammad Nadeem
Ali Ahmad Sheikh


Colostrum, Transition milk, nutritional attributes, buffalo breeds (Nili Ravi & Kundi)


Comparison of physicochemical properties of colostrum and transition milk of two breeds of buffalo (Kundi n=10 and Nili Ravi n= 10, total samples= 220) were investigated. Colostrum and transition milk were obtained 06, 12, 24,36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120 hours after calving of each animal for analysis. The values of fat %, protein %age, lactose %age, SNF (Solids-Non-Fat)%age, Total solids (TS) %age, ash %age, pH and acidity% of Kundi buffalo colostrum after 6 hours of calving were 8.40±0.06, 13.82±0.33, 2.72±0.14, 20.07±0.01, 28.91±0.01, 1.04±0.10, 6.07±0.00, 0.32±0.00 and of Nili Ravi buffalo colostrum were found as 6.00±0.06, 12.34±0.72, 2.25±0.01, 19.79±0.01, 25.98±0.01, 0.98±0.04, 6.37±0.01 and 0.30±0.01 respectively. Viscosity of Kundi and Nili Ravi Buffaloes (K & NRB) 6.98±0.01b and 7.33±0.01a, respectively at 6 hours, Lysozyme (µg/ml) of buffalo Kundi colostrum after 6 hours of study was 0.32±0.01h and in Nili Ravi (0.34±0.00h). Lactoferrin (mg/ml) was decreased in both breeds of buffalo and at 120 hours after calving it was observed 0.59±0.01j and 0.47±0.01k (K & NRB) transition milk. Statistically results of Analysis of variance of fat %age, lactose %age, SNF %age, TS%, Immunoglobulins (mg/ml), lactoferrin (mg/ml), lysozyme (µg/ml) of (K & NRB) breeds p<0.001 were highly significant.

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