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Muhammad Umair
Professor Rashid Naseem Khan
Waqas Hussain
Urwah Shafeeq
Irum Javid
Saba Maqbool
Hassan Raza
Ravi Dutt Sharma


dietary habits, metabolic syndrome, diet


Objective: This study set out to look at the connection between eating habits and MetS in the metropolitan population.

Study Design: Prospective study

Place and Duration: This prospective study was conducted at DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE, LIAQUAT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY(LCMD) & DARUL SEHAT HOSPITAL KARACHI and from January 2023 to November 2023.

Methods: Total 175 patients were presented in this study. Many factors, including sex, age, education level, origin from a rural or urban setting, alcohol and smoke intake, dietary characteristics, physical activity, and their role in the development of MetS, were examined. High blood pressure and central obesity became the condition's main characteristics. Adults' eating practices and metabolic syndrome were examined using the multiple logistic regression technique. SPSS 24.0 was used to analyze all data.

Results: Among all, 65 (37.1%) had a MetS prevalence. The results of the logistic regression analysis show that eating breakfast has a significant opposite effect on the incidence for MetS (hazard ratio (OR) = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.22, 0.97), even after controlling for age, level of education, activity level, history of chronic illnesses, and smoking.  This impact holds true even after controlling for body mass index (BMI), showing that breakfast eaters had 63% reduced odds of developing MetS compared to non-consumers (OR = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.11, 0.82). After adjusting for all possible confounders, no significant correlation was identified between MetS and other dietary practices, such as the intake of sugar cubes, sweetened beverages, and fast food.

Conclusion: According to this study, breakfast consumption and metabolic syndrome are inversely correlated. Further study is necessary, particularly population-based cohort studies, to uncover firmer evidence on food habits and MetS.

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