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Job burnout, Depression, Residency program
Introduction: In addition to the significant burden of mortality and morbidity imposed on the body of various societies, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic was accompanied by a work burden on the medical staff. This high work load in health and treatment centers has been associated with adverse consequences among the medical staff, such as job burnout, psychological disorders. The major part of this burden has been imposed on medical assistants because they have been faced with a significant increase in working hours in the departments and a much higher load of care and treatment of patients with covid-19. In this study we tried to evaluate the job burnout among medical assistants during the Covid-19 era, as well as the determination of related factors.
Material and Methods: in this cross-sectional study on subjects including residency assistants at Tehran University of Medical Sciences affiliated Hospitals. The standardized Maslash questionnaire was used for job burnout, and the K10 questionnaire was used for depression screening.
Results: Regarding the component of emotional exhaustion from job burnout, mild, moderate and severe cases of this complication among the participants were 3.8%, 58.7% and 37.5%, respectively. In terms of the depersonalization component, mild, moderate and severe cases of this disorder were reported in 4.3%, 64.1% and 31.5% of the assistants, and in terms of the personal sufficiency disorder component, mild, moderate and severe cases of this disorder were reported. It was also reported in 0.5%, 12.0% and 87.5% respectively.
The occurrence of emotional exhaustion with higher intensity was expected in assistants who had experienced the previous history of taking psychoactive substances. The increase in working hours per week was also associated with the increase in the prevalence and intensity of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization components. Regarding depression, only 26.1% of people had a normal psychological state, while 14.1% had a mild disorder, 20.7% had a moderate disorder, and 39.1% had a severe disorder. This disorder was significantly more severe in women than men.
Conclusion: A significant part of our assistants suffer from burnout as well as depression during the covid-19 pandemic. Job burnout occurred mainly in men assistants, people with high weekly working hours, previous history of taking psychiatrics medication, increasing the number of years of employment in a residency course were the factors related to the occurrence of job burnout. Also, the incidence of depression was much more common among female assistants than males.
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