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Ali Nozari
Maral Akbarinasab


Cariogenic organic acids, Edible vegetable juices, PH elevation, Neutral level


Objective: PH elevation of cariogenic organic acids is one of the most important ways for reducing dental caries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of five edible vegetable juices Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), Garden cress (Lepidium sativum), Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) and Mint (Mentha piperita) on the PH of cariogenic organic acids (formic acid, lactic acid and citric acid).

Materials and Method: The leaves of the five mentioned edible vegetables were freshly collected and after removal of non-edible parts, the juice of all vegetables were extracted by squeezing and filtering separately in the laboratory. Organic acid solutions including formic acid, citric acid and lactic acid in concentration of 1 mM and volume of 360 ml were prepared.

The initial PH of each acid was measured and 500 μl of each vegetable juice were then added to 10 ml of each acid step by step, until the PH was fixed on a certain value. Finally, the mean stable PH was measured for each group. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (ver.19).

Results: The mean PH values showed an immediate increment after adding the first 500 µl of vegetable juices. Tarragon and Mint altered the PH of lactic acid, which is the most effective organic acid in caries process before the two other ones. Other vegetables including Parsley, Garden cress and Summer savory changed the PH of formic acid faster than lactic and citric acids, then sustained in a stable level. Mint was able to increase the initial PH of all three acids to almost neutral level. Summer savory was able to increase the initial PH of formic acid only to almost neutral level. In total, these two vegetables, specially Mint, had a significant difference with other three vegetables (Tarragon, Garden cress and Parsley) in elevating the PH level of cariogenic organic acid solutions (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Among the five edible vegetables, Mint and then Summer savory have the highest buffering properties against organic acids. Due to the herbal nature, availability and  inexpensiveness of these vegetables in most countries, they can be used among meals to reduce dental caries injuries.

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