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Ali Nozari
Mohammad Javad Moazzamian
Maryam Pakniyat


Hydroxyapatite, Calcium carbonate, microhardness


Objective: This study aimed to assess the surface microhardness of otoliths taken from Pomadasys kaakan fish in Persian Gulf and analyze the destructive effect of some cariogenic acids (citric acid, lactic acid and pyruvic acid) on its surface hardness in different time intervals. The effect was compared with permanent human teeth enamel.

Method: This in vitro experimental study was conducted on 20 sound first premolar teeth which were extracted due to orthodontic reasons and 20 sound otoliths from Pomadasys kaakan fish. Otoliths were removed from the head of Pomadasys kaakan and cut to 30 pieces of 2×2×2 mm. Same cuts were taken from sound human permanent teeth. These cuts were stored in 100% humidity (normal saline solution) and at temperature between 25 to 30 degrees centigrade until the experiment.  The specimens were divided into two groups (group 1= teeth, group 2= otoliths) and each group had three subgroups of 10 specimens which were immersed in citric acid, lactic acid and pyruvic acid accordingly. The surface microhardness of teeth enamel and otoliths were measured by Vickers microhardness tester at baseline (0), and at 5 and 30 min time intervals after immersion in the freshly prepared acidic solutions.

Result:  Repeated measures ANOVA showed that the effect of immersion time on microhardness was significant (p<0.001). Comparison among 0, 5 and 30 minutes time points using Bonferroni adjustment for both groups also showed significant differences in microhardness at different time intervals for three types of acids (p<0.001). Evaluation of the effect of the type of acid on microhardness for both groups revealed that the microhardness changes was not significantly different in three groups of acids, although there was some difference in change of microhardness in case of pyruvic acid. Otoliths showed somewhat higher resistance in surface hardness under the effect of pyruvic acid compared to human enamel, but it was not significant. In case of lactic acid, the teeth showed somewhat higher resistance compared to otoliths but the difference was also not significant. (p<0.001).

Conclusion: Contact time for three types of acids from 0 to 30 min was significantly effective in reducing surface microhardness of both otoliths and human teeth enamel. Citric acid, lactic acid and pyruvic acid were all capable of demineralization and reduction of surface microhardness in both groups almost equally. In total, both groups of otholits and human enamel showed the same rate of demineralization and reduction in surface microhardness under the effect of cariogenic acids.

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