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Shubha Dhyani
Shatakshi Malviya
Dilshad ahmed
Himanshu Chaurasia


Plant-Based Diet, Obesity, Overweight, Weight loss, Cholesterol


This paper aims to review the contribution of plant-based dietary patterns (PBD) on obesity. Nowadays obesity is increasing globally and it is becoming a big problem. As per WHO, at this time more than 1 billion people worldwide are obese and this number is continuously increasing. Convincing evidence supports the intake of plant-based dietary patterns to lower the risk of obesity. In plant-based dietary patterns, plant foods like vegetables, fruits, pulses, grains, nuts, seeds and oils, etc, are primarily consumed and animal products are not or less consumed. The focal points of this diet are to effectively reduce calorie density and to reduce cholesterol intake. Both these features are one of the best approaches to control weight. Data suggest that PBD might play a key role in future strategies for obesity control. The aim of this review is to highlight the therapeutic role of PBD and how it is a beneficial approach to treating obesity. More specifically, this review will explore a number of specific components of PBD which are not only beneficial to treat obesity and reduce weight but also beneficial in the treatment of other non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), Diabetes Mellitus-type II (DM-type II), Hypertension, Hypotension, etc Show in figure 1.

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