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Aisha Shaikh
Saira Fatima
Ibrahim Asgher
Nargis Shaikh
Zoya Mehran
Muhammad Muqeem


modified radical mastectomy, mastectomy flap-muscle suture technique, seroma formation


Background: A common problem following a modified radical mastectomy is seroma formation; incidence rates have been found to range from 15% to 81%. This consequence increases the likelihood of flap necrosis, infections, slows down the healing process, reopened wounds, pain, and further extension of recovery time. Because of this, different flap-fixing techniques have been tried in an effort to lessen the problems associated with local wounds.

The goal is to find out if mastectomy flap-muscle sutures to the chest wall muscles can reduce the amount and length of drained fluid as well as the number of cases of seroma after a modified radical mastectomy.

Study design: an analytical cross-sectional study

Place and Duration: This study was conducted at Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana from June 2020 to June 2023

Methodology: There were a total of 80 patients who participated in this investigation. All of the participants were booked for a modified radical mastectomy. Women diagnosed with breast cancer scheduled for a modified radical mastectomy were included in the study. All 80 patients were equally divided into 2 groups (study group and control group), with 40 patients in each group. After the study group's modified radical mastectomy was finished, the mastectomy flaps were sutured together using polyglactin 3-0 sutures, and the underlying chest wall (pectoral fascia and muscle) was secured with flat-muscle sutures.


Results: The removal of drains happened significantly faster in the study group than in the control group (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the research group's total drained fluid volume was considerably lower (p < 0.001). In addition, the study group showed a much lower incidence of seroma formation than the control group.

Conclusion: For patients following modified radical mastectomy, the mastectomy flap-muscle suture technique is a successful surgery that significantly lowers the incidence of seroma formation.


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