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Anjali Agarwal
G. K. Singh
Sunil Kumar
Sumit Asthana
Gowrishankar Potturi


Epicondylalgia, HVLAT, Physiotherapy, Tennis elbow


Role of HVLAT on improving hand grip strength and relief of pain in lateral epicondylalgia(TennisElbow)

Background & purpose: Tennis elbow is medically known as Lateral epicondylitis is inflammation of the lateral epicondyle at common extensor origin. There is a wide spectrum of treatment modalities in lateral epicondylitis including drug therapy, non-electrotherapeutical treatments, acupuncture, electrotherapeutical treatments and surgery. Most of the available treatment modalities are not cost-effective, requires sophisticated equipment and are time consuming. The present study was conducted with an aim to find the role of HVLA THRUST on improving hand grip strength and relieving pain in patients with lateral epicondylalgia which is cost effective and requires no sophisticated equipment in comparison to conventional physiotherapy.

Materials and Methods: The two groups of the study were Group A (experimental group) who were given HVLAT single thrust at elbow and Group B (control group) who were given conventional physiotherapy.

Results: The statistical data of PRTEE, VAS and Hand grip strength, Group A is significantly different from Group B with p<0.05, i.e. 95% of significance. The one week trial has found significant differences favouring the experimental group in the form of reduction of pain, improving functional abilities and improvement in hand grip strength.

Conclusion: From this study it is concluded that the high velocity low amplitude thrust has a beneficial effect in alleviating pain, improving functional abilities and hand grip strength in patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylalgia. The high velocity low amplitude trust is faster, safer and effective in alleviating pain, improving functional abilities and hand grip strength in patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylalgia over the conventional physiotherapy techniques.

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