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Alok Kumar Arya
Rahul Dev
Piyush Kumar Gangwar
Mukesh Bansal
Anju Singh
Anurima Singh


lectric burn injury, Entry wound, Exit Wound, Pattern, Contact Burn, Joule Burn, Electrocution


A necessary evil of today’s life intervention are the result to our life threatening causes of our fatality mostly due to recklessness. Nearly, thousands of death occur in western Uttar Pradesh due to the electrical burn injuries over a year. The electrical conductivity through the tissue making it porous furnishes to death. High voltage burns as well as the low voltage burns comes in this purview of our study. Over 100 of cases were thoroughly gone through to predicate our conclusions through this paper of research. Of these cases, mostly the fatalities were accredited to the male (81.5%) gender than the females (18.5 %). The research was done in the western districts of Uttar Pradesh primarily in Kanpur District due to ease of access of the author. The groundwork is solely dependent upon the acquiring pattern of electrical injury with their entry wound and exit wound patterned delineation. Hence the present treatise is a work of practical aspect of post mortem abstract pronouncing the pattern of electric burn injury rendering fatalities as well as construing the adaptive meed for the prevention of the same.

Abstract 158 | Pdf Downloads 57


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