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Anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, C. papaya, Light and Dark model and Stationary rod
Context: Carica papaya (Caricaceae) originally belongs to tropical region of America. It is an edible and juicy fruit. Seeds are present inside the fruit. All the parts of the tree especially fruits, seeds and leaves have many medicinal properties. C. Papaya fruit acts as anti-diabetic, for liver disease, its seeds act as hypoglycemic, hypolipidimic, cardioprotective, contraceptive etc. In Ethiopian traditional medicine, C. papaya has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including stress.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the anxiolytic effects of various extracts of the seeds and leaves of C. papaya.
Materials and methods: Fresh ethanolic and methanolic extract of seeds and leaves of C. papayawere prepared and administered to mice and rats for anxiolytic activity such as Cage crossing, Head dip, Stationary rod, Open field and Light and Dark on mice and Forced swimming test on rats.
Results: Both the extracts of C.papaya decreased anxiety, fear related behavior in mice and rats. We observe that the number of cage crossed decrease which indicates decrease in anxiety, also the number of head dips gradually decrease which shows anxiolytic effect. The investigation within the peripheral square crosses was diminished showing the antidepressant action. For both the extracts, two-way ANOVA data analysis produces pretty significant outcomes, i.e. (P < 0.00).
Conclusion: The current investigation adequately established that the extracts of C. papaya has an anxiety-reducing impact on mice, suggesting that it may represent a novel strategy for the treatment of anxiety.
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