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Dr Rashidkhan Bismillakhan Pathan, Dr Hasmukh Khodidas Panchal, Dr Brijesh Ashokkumar Chauhan, Dr Ashok Bhalabhai Sodala, Dr Rukhshana Shaikh, Dr Nagma Rafiqbhai Aakbani


Obstructive sleep apnea, OSA, obese


The illness known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by partial or total constriction of the pharyngeal airway during sleep, which causes frequent bouts of oxygen desaturation, airflow stoppage, and disruption of sleep. The most potent risk factor for OSA is obesity. Hence the aim of present research was to investigate the prevalence of OSA in the adult population in the Palanpur District coverage area who are obese. Methodology: The Berlin Questionnaire was employed as the primary data source for this study's descriptive cross-sectional methodology on 248 subjects. Results: Descriptive cross-sectional data was analyzed and tabulated accordingly. Conclusion: The prevalence of OSA is 54.83% amongst 248 obese respondents, with males reporting a prevalence of 64% and females with 48.64%.

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