Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls Is A Medical And Social Issue

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Ryskeldiyeva K
Shukenova E
Zhaxybergenov A
Baimakhanova B
Zholymbekova L
Ishigov I
Kemelbekov K
Tuktibayeva S


adolescent girls, reproductive health, ecology, extragenital pathology, dysmenorrhea, vulvovaginitis


Background: It is now known the reproductive health of adolescent girls is declining. Therefore, in this article, a prospective cohort study of adolescent girls aged 7-19 living in the Turkestan region was conducted in order to identify the reproductive pathology of girls living in the Turkestan region and the main issues leading to reduced reproductive health.
Material and Methods: This work was conducted on the basis of a special survey of high school girls in Turkestan region. The total number of girls is 5721. The design of the study used the method of population research of prospective cohorts.
Results: The results of the study were analyzed and the main factors leading to a decrease in reproductive health of adolescent girls were identified. The relationship between the main factors affecting reproductive health was also analyzed.
Conclusion: Adolescent girls living in environmentally unfavorable areas have a higher incidence of extragenital pathology, menstrual disorders and inflammatory diseases.

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